What If: School Dances at Outside Venues

As dances become more and more popular, the space available in the commons becomes less and less ideal. With even more students to worry about in the future, eventually it will not be possible to hold dances in the cafeteria. Dances would be drastically different if they were held at a location other than Spring Hill High School.

For one, the cost of dances would go up, which might deter some people from going. However, a different location would cater better to the feel many students are looking for. Many students have expressed that they wish dances were on Saturday nights rather than Friday nights. Additionally, students yearn for a more formal feel than what is currently associated with dances. A new location would be perfect for taking dances to the next level.

Second of all, dances would have more of an “it” factor. Decorations could be much more elaborate. Also, considering dances are held in the same place we eat lunch everyday, it doesn’t take much to make them better. Prom is always fun, but it would be even more fun if it were held somewhere special.

As for making this a reality, it seems far fetched at the moment. It’s no secret that the administration is not a fan of dances on weekends, nor dances held anywhere besides the high school. However, the amount of students that the school will hold in just a few years may make moving dance locations a necessary option. Although it will certainly not happen soon, the transition does not seem to be too far off. Imagine going to a hotel to eat and then dance the night away at prom. Don’t get me wrong, the red carpet is great, but a ballroom and a cafeteria are not comparable.

I am certain that one day dances will be held outside of the school because I’ll be graduated and miss out on the fun, and that seems to be how my life goes. For the time being, all we can do is daydream of beautiful, open ballrooms, and not a crammed, glorified cafeteria. Moving locations would give dances an all new dynamic and edge. Maybe one day this “what if” will be acted upon to spice up the normal routine and give the cafeteria a break.