100 Word Rant: Matinee Change

The matinee has been changed to after school. It is very inconvenient to many people. For all the people who have sports and afterschool activities. They want to go see it but they just don’t have the time to go see it. I know that most people just want it to be during school just to skip class. However, there is a lot of people who can only go during school and they really want to they just have the time to do it. I wish they would keep it during school so all the people can enjoy it.

Grace Brown, 10

I think the matinee shouldn’t be after school because people don’t want to watch it after school or they might not have time to go see it and that is very inconvenient. I don’t have time to go see it because I play sports and it is just a very inconvenient for me. I’m sure that it is for the other people as well. More people would want to go see it if it was during school instead of being after school. They just need to put the matinee during school again, so more people get to see it.

Paige Cooper, 10

I think that it was a great idea to make the matinee after school. It gets people who actually want to go see the musical to go. Which leaves the people that don’t really want to see it they just want to get out of class. Also, the matinee is cheaper this year which is also more appealing for people to go see it after school. Also, you don’t miss class which means you don’t have to make up the work that you missed. So overall it was a great idea and that they should continue it for years to come.

Rachel Victor, 10