What If: School Uniforms

What If: School Uniforms

Hearing people talk about the dress code is not uncommon. There are many different opinions regarding how it should be set up, but what if schools made a change that would lessen the dress code all together? School uniforms have been on rise each year as more and more public and private schools jump on the bandwagon. Around 20% of public schools require uniforms which is up from 12% a decade ago. Even if schools haven’t made the switch to uniforms yet, over half of public schools have enforced a stricter dress code for their students compared to a decade ago.

There have been arguments made by those for and against the uniforms. Some of the positive points people make regarding uniforms include less bullying throughout the school, less money spent on normal school clothes and less time spent getting ready each morning. The most common arguments against school uniforms are; students should be free to express themselves and wear what they want, uniforms cost extra money, a large percent of students are against uniforms, and uniforms do nothing to prevent bullying in schools.

Schools around the Spring Hill area do not have uniforms since public schools are more common here. There are public schools in Kansas City who do enforce uniforms, but no one knows if this area will ever get uniforms. It seems unlikely, but as more and more schools follow this trend, students may just have to go out shopping for uniforms in the upcoming years.