During campaign week, students running put posters around the school to encourage voters to vote for them. Brynna Pierson, 11, won Student Body President with the help of their posters that were all around the school. (Photo by Brynna Pierson).
Taking on a large leadership role in high school can be challenging. As a student, there are always other important things on schedules, so trying to balance that with a leadership position is a lot to handle. There are individuals who sit back and see what changes in high school, and then there are those who want to be the change.
I have been in StuCo since freshman year and it has been one of my top priorities. Seeing my classmates, who have chosen to take the position as Student Body President, make changes in school has been inspiring. When I was given the opportunity to do the same, since I would be going into my senior year, I thought this was my time to make the changes I have always wanted. Although the decision was easy at first, I still had to think about if I could handle it. I ultimately knew that no matter how hard it may be, I could allow my passion to drive me and accomplish my goals.
Given the power to possibly put forth change is a tall order for a high school student. There are a lot of possibilities an individual can think of, but it is not just about them. When being elected as a Student Body President, they have to think about how change will affect their classmates and if it is truly beneficial for the school in its entirety.
Throughout the years, I have seen what works and what does not when it comes to change. Although there were times an idea did not work out, most of them did. This upcoming year, I want to be able to include the student body more. There are big events such as homecoming, but there are breaks within the year that could be filled with little competitions. I believe that almost all of the activities we do work really well, so I want the opportunity to be in charge of those activities and make them happen again. Being a Student Body President means being a voice for the student body and listening to ideas. That is my goal next year, to truly go and seek the great ideas that are hidden due to no one asking.
A lot can happen within a year and there are ideas that fail. Willingness to try new things can still lead to success and a leader must not allow the fear of failure to blind them. I want to make my year as Student Body President as successful as possible but at the same time, try new things that could inspire future leaders like the ones that inspired me.