Theater’s Fundraising
With a new year of school comes another year of fun trips and the fundraising that comes with it. For the theatre department you have their annual thespian conference. A three day theatre festival where they can learn more about theatre and attend major stage shows. ”It’s a really good time...each night we see a major stage show and they are fantastic,” said Abby Starkey, 12. The bigg...
Band’s Fundraising
Next is the band trip. The band will be going to New Orleans to play at the Sugar Bowl. The trip is during the winter break and the entire band drives there. “The Florida band trip [2 years ago] is one of the best things I’ve ever been on. They say the trip is just as good as the destination and I couldn't agree more,” said Saige Bayer, 12. The love of the last band trip definitely s...
Orchestra’s Fundraising
There is also an orchestra trip that happens every other year. While they are not going on a big trip this year, the orchestra is still fundraising for next year. The orchestra have done multiple fundraisers including flower bulbs, Yankee Candles, meat sale, and hosting the Halloween dance. By fundraising now they can lower the cost of trips and possibly have extra money for instruments and supplies. M...
Choir’s Fundraising
Lastly there is the Choir and their fundraisers. Georann Wittman has been doing a variety show called Cabaret for 13 years. This year it is taking place on March 10th at 7:00pm at Spring Hill High School. They get their funds by charging $5 at the door. Wittman has her choir sing, play instruments, and even some band kids play at this show. “It’s really a fun night because we have lots of talented ki...
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