While approaching the end of the school year, many students start to reminisce on the year and look back on the things that have changed. Change can be measured by grades, sports records, and much more, but oftentimes change is seen within values.
“I value treating everyone with empathy, even if you don’t 100% agree with them, unless they’re actively doing harm to people. Trying to see the humanity in people and approaching things that way,” Emily Schoenig,12, said.
Even when right and wrong is easily seen, it can be hard to dissect how to make your reaction to a situation reflect your values. For Schoenig, a similar situation put them in a place where their choice helped them grow confidence in their values.
“So, I got put in a class with someone who I had a very unpleasant falling out with, and we were in a lot of opportunities where we had to debate one-on-one or in a group with each other, and there would be a lot of times when I would be directly and verbally attacked by that person, and like called out,” Schoening said. “I knew it came from a place of hurt and anger, so I didn’t want to make it worse for me or them. So, I kind of just held it down a lot. That shaped my life experience a lot. I was able to forgive [them] with time.”
Similarly, Hayden Huddleston, 10, values honesty. Their values grew through

sports and often looked up to their coaches for direction.
“If you tell the truth, it’s always better than lying about something. Even if you tell someone something that they don’t necessarily want to hear. It’s better to hear that than to like, make something up. So, if you say you’re going to do something, do it. If you’re not going to do the thing, be honest about it,” Huddleston said.
Huddleston values honesty because in his opinion, it can do no wrong. Without honesty communication may fail and honesty is always a safe choice.
“It plays a factor, because I feel everyone enjoys it in some capacity when people are honest about something,” Huddleston said.
As the year comes to an end, the student body is reminded about how valuable it is to stay true to their own values. Their experiences have shaped their character, which reflects in the way they approach certain situations. Whatever it is, values are credited to shaping the lives of those around us.