Art has always been something I value the absolute most in my life. Whether it pertains to drawing, painting, jewelry-making, crocheting, sculpting, music, writing, ceramics, or graphic design, art has infiltrated itself into my everyday life. I have welcomed that takeover fully.
Over the past semester, I have talked to many different people who have found their place in the art world. Through these conversations, I have had many discoveries about myself and the place art has in my life.
Studying art from these different perspectives, both student and teacher, has taught me that art doesn’t fall under one definition and it has the ability to impact lives.
When talking to students about their place in the art community, I have gathered that they all view art differently. For me, art cannot be fully described; it is a very broad concept. Anything that a person creates is art. Music, books, paintings, sculptures, architecture, engineering– these are all art. Regardless of level of talent or precision, every piece tells a unique story. However, some artists are very traditional in their thinking. Some believe that art is simply creating on a canvas, while others, including myself, believe it’s so much more than that.
I am a prime example of how art can truly change a person. While I was also passionate about creating in some form, over the past three years art has truly changed and saved me. My sophomore year I was very lost in what I wanted to do with my life and also who I was as a person. Through fundamentals, ceramics, graphic design, and prop work for theater I have found my place in the art community and I could never be more grateful.