This year’s winter pep assembly is being held on Thursday, Jan 16. That’s right, a Thursday. Typically, pep assemblies are held on Friday’s as an introduction to the homecoming dance the following night or Saturday. The reason the assembly is being held today is because of the wrestling tournament being held tomorrow, Jan 17.
“We are put into brackets and we wrestle our opponents,” said Morgan Hinton, 11. “Eventually, we file down to the last few.”
Originally, the assembly was scheduled for tomorrow, but it was changed because of its collision with homecoming.
“Last year, homecoming was on the same day of the tournament,” said Hinton. “We just really didn’t want that to happen again, so [Tucker] Woofter, [Head Coach], spoke to administration.”
The tournament will be held at Blue Valley West and consist of several matches between many talented wrestlers. If you consider going, please be mindful of other players and have good sportsmanship.