As you travel down Spring Hill’s historic Main Street, a modern-looking sign captures your attention. “The Bean,” it announces in swirling letters. The tinkling of the bell above the door and the bubbly chatter gets louder as you walk in. At the counter you are greeted with a multitude of choices, both in beverages and pastries. Rather than feeling overstimulating, the atmosphere of The Bean is welcoming.
This local coffee shop is a favorite among the residents of Spring Hill. It is a place full of charm, community, and, of course,

caffeine. Students come here to study, meet with friends, or to enjoy a drink or pastry.
“I don’t live that far from it, [so] I could just do stuff at my house, but there’s just something to be said about a different
environment of doing homework at a coffee shop with a fun drink,” said Rylee Jones, 11.
While Jones likes visiting for the study environment, Jentry Hunt, 11, goes for the menu options.
“I get the sausage chicken and cheese sandwich biscuit, and usually either the strawberry acai or the mango peach refresher. That is my order every single time without a doubt,’” said Hunt.
Both Jones and Hunt have experienced the strong sense of community within The Bean. It is likely that when visiting, you will see at least one person you know, especially on PLC (late-start) mornings.
“Because of the small-town environment that we live in, it’s the only local coffee shop that we have, and I often run into people I know there. It’s not like awkwardly running into them at the grocery store when you’re in a rush to get the things you need. If you’re shopping to get coffee, you’re obviously not in a rush, so you have time to stop and talk,” said Hunt. “It’s a very welcoming place to talk to your besties that you run into.”
The Bean has increased in popularity in the past few years as more and more people become aware of its existence and quality. It is often very busy, yet the atmosphere is more “bustling” than chaotic.
“I think that they do a very good job at keeping the pace, not getting over stressed. The busy days just go to show how popular they are. There’s always people that are talking, and there’s just a buzz in the room,” said Hunt.
From the top-notch menu options to the community-centered environment, The Bean is a great choice for anyone in search of a new local experience in the city of Spring Hill.