Pop culture is defined as the “modern popular culture transmitted via the mass media and aimed particularly at younger people.”Pop culture is the modern craze, shaping trends and reaching millions, especially through the mass media, with younger audiences at its heart. This term is a hot topic when it comes to celebrities, artists, movies, and more, but there’s more to this culture than most people think.
Today, successful celebrities are usually the ones who are the most genuine and real or the one who attract the attention of the media through scandals. Most of the younger generation tend to be attracted to influencers and celebrities who are 100% themselves.
“I usually like celebrities who don’t try super hard to keep up a persona and just are themselves because I find that more relatable and funny,” Nora Ide, 12, said.
Trends, new or old, also play a huge role in determining the popularity of a rising star.
“One thing I really like about pop culture today is the revival of many previous trends; I’m also a brainrot person, [so] that draws me in too. Remaking other looks, like going back in time to the 2000s or ‘0s with outfits or ideas makes me like celebrities or influencers more,” Lenore Pinkerton, 10, said.
The “realness” of today’s media personalities draws in all generations through new and iconic actions. But what really defines the difference between iconic and being a true icon in today’s world?
“Being iconic is a one time thing, but ‘you’re an icon’ is a repeated action. An icon is known for doing iconic things on the regular,” Pinkerton said.
Defining these terms in relation to today’s VIPs can be difficult because everyone views hot topics or people in their own way.
“Iconic can be both good and bad; it just means that person is very memorable to me. When I think of someone who is truly an icon, I usually think of good-hearted and genuine people,” Ide said.
While being “good hearted” is a trait most celebrities attempt to personify, many celebrities “realness,” through opinions or actions, has led to their cancellation.
Solidifying a celebrity or influencer as “cancel worthy” is difficult to discuss because everyone draws the line at different points.
“I draw the line between illegal and just frowned upon when someone does something that puts others in danger on purpose or is doing something that they know is wrong and illegal. Celebrities should be making a good impact on others, not causing issues,” Spencer Boyd, 10, said.
Opinions play a big part in determining if someone is cancel worthy and are usually based on the individuals research or pure judgement on the topic.
“Cancel worthy to me, honestly, is when something goes against my own morals. I think people should be cancelling celebrities on their own terms and not just following the crowd,” Boyd said.
Just like how iconic behavior can be one and done, and how trends fall off, cancelling someone can change with time as well.
“Time tends to change things when it comes to canceling someone, like certain artists like Kanye where they’re going to be a repeat offender, and if you like their music, then you just have to accept that,” Pinkerton said.
Drawing your own opinion, whether it be the line between an icon and just iconic, which celebrity you like to see when you’re scrolling, or who needs to be cancelled the most is your own choice.
Separating the art you love and the artist you hate is a hot topic I’ll be diving into in my next story, discussing the love hate relationship between J.K. Rowling’s opinions and the worldwide sensation of the Harry Potter Series.