What If: There Were School Send-Offs For All Activities
When you think of “state qualifier” what comes to mind? Football? Basketball?…what if we were to not just glorify well known sports but everyone that has succeeded enough to get to the state level. Often it is well supported activities from the community, school and peers getting send offs to state competitions. Instead what if we standardized send offs activities. Rather it be debate, art, band, journalism, wrestling, music, scholars bowl, football and or basketball we give all the groups the glory they each earned.
Each student in Bronco nation takes pride when representing Spring Hill with their given talents and should rightly be honored by their peers and community for their achievements in representing our great school. What if we all took ten minutes from bronco time to pay it forward and encourage kindness, spirit and enthusiasm for their send off to state. The benefits of a send off brings bronco nation together as not just a school but a family, supporting each other and their talents. A send off would make everyone aware of achievements and a variety of activities taking place. Therefore, what if we had a send off for all activities who qualify and are moving on to the state level. Taking ten minutes from our day to brighten another’s and recognize their hard work will contribute a memory those students will carry with them for a lifetime. So bronco nation what if?
My name is Madison Crabtree and I’m a junior. My horoscope sign is a Scorpio, which I always look at first thing when I wake up to see...