Lead to Succeed
Quickly after loading off the bus, members who were selected to attend the pals retreat relieve any nerves they had once they arrived at the retreat camp.
On Monday October 29th, thirty one students and four teachers arrive at Prairie Star Ranch for where they stayed for the next few days. Immediately after arriving, students started the ropes course out in the middle of the woods.
“At first I was scared but after realizing how trustworthy my teammates were and them encouraging me, I was able to climb the 12 ft wall with their help,” said Sloane McKinney, 11
While out on the ropes course students were asked to complete challenges while working together as a group such as climbing the wall, balancing on a tightrope, and balancing everyone on a human size log.
Each year students are selected to be leaders for the peers attending the retreat. This year John Frakes, Bella Todd, Jordan Norman, Megan Goff, 12 and Sloane McKinney, 11 were selected to learn and teach lessons throughout the retreat as leaders.
“My favorite activity the leaders have helped with is the ropes course, leading us to the top making everyone feel welcomed right off the bat. The leaders had creative ways for us to learn everyone’s names quickly and in a fun way,” Kyra Fuchs, 10, said.
During the second day of the retreat all the students waited patiently for the well known Tory Gant to arrive all the way from Texas. While at the retreat Tory Gant lead everyone through team building activities such as, jumping over an intense rope course, Ga-ga ball, around the world activity and teaching everyone how to untie a human knot.
“Since Tory has arrived at the retreat, I’ve learned that we should not be afraid of who was are as an individual and embrace who we are,” said Julia Bigus, 10.
My name is Madison Crabtree and I’m a junior. My horoscope sign is a Scorpio, which I always look at first thing when I wake up to see...