Cram With Cocoa at The Bean

Cram with Cocoa is an event hosted by the Spring Hill stuco every year right before students take their winter finals. Usually hosted in the library at the high school, Cram with Cocoa gives students an opportunity to study for their finals with some of the most highly requested teachers there to answer their questions. Typically, teachers of harder classes attend the session and help students study and answer any questions for them before they go to take their finals a few days later. Cram with Cocoa is a fun way for students to get help before their finals and enjoy some warm coco while they are at it.
This year, Cram with Cocoa hosted by StuCo will be moving to The Bean in town! Students are going to be invited to come study at The Bean after school for their finals. Requested teachers will still be at The Bean to help students and coco will still be available to the students. Now that the event is being hosted at The Bean, students will now also be able to buy themselves dinner or additional drinks while studying. Moving the study session to The Bean will be a nice change for the event as well as hopefully promote more students to attend. There will be more room, food, and it will be hosted in a more approachable location. Studying for finals at The Bean with friends will be less formal and intimidating than studying in the library at the high school.
Cram with Cocoa, hosted in the library or at The Bean, is a great way to make sure you study and prepare yourself for you finals so you do not cry when you see your final grade over break. Besides, I’m sure your teachers are looking forward to seeing you there, studying for their finals!

Hello!! My name is Courtney Costain and I’m a Junior here at the high school. I joined staff this last year because I have a love for photography and...