Bronco football starts the Season with 2-0 Record
Being a fan of high school sports is a bit like watching a movie series; there are times where it is really exciting and enjoyable, and then there are other times that make everyone wonder what on earth just happened. However, in the end all viewers agree that the experience was ultimately a good one.
Fortunately, this is one of the good times that make someone thrilled to call themselves a member of Bronco Nation; the SHHS Varsity Football team won their first two games which is exciting for the players and fans alike despite their recent loss to Bonner Springs.
“The last time [we won the first two games of the year] was in 2001,” Jason Feeback, head coach said.
Long before Feeback had joined the program.
“I don’t know if we’ve done anything different in practice, but I do think we’re executing better, we have some seniors that are doing some really good things offensively and defensively.”
One of those seniors is Hunter Willyard, 12, safety.
“I’ve been on [the team] for all four years of high school. [This year] we’re together more, we play hard together with one another,” Willyard said.
Anthony Lakin, Corner Back, 11, agrees.
“We’ve been focusing on brotherhood, making sure we feel safe around our teammates so we play better. We have really good coaches; they care about us and we care about them,” Lakin said.
Some people might think that having the school’s best starting record since 2001 would put pressure on a team; Feeback is not one of those people.
“It’s a lot of fun, I don’t think that anyone’s putting any pressure on us to go undefeated, or to win this week,” Feeback said, “I think most pressure is self-inflicted. It’s what you make it…when you’re a good team, it seems like a bigger game – it’s a bigger match-up [and] you’ve got more people in the stands. I would much rather have a really good record and play for something than try to catch up to people.”
Willyard agrees that this year hasn’t changed things.
“There’s always pressure to win, no matter what the record is. You always want to win,” said Willyard.
Win, lose, or draw, the varsity football team is going to continue to play their very best with bronco nation will be right there behind them.

HI! My name is Taylor Dent, and this is my senior year. This is my second year in SPUB, and my first as Editor-in-Chief. In addition to being part of SPUB,...