Three’s (not) a Crowd

On Oct. 1 during 4th hour, Kadija Ceesay, 11, listens as Kelly Ediger, english teacher, reads “The Great Gatsby.” Juniors have been reading “The Great Gatsby” for years (Photo by HSmith).

Books are boring, long collections of paper that were created to bore students to death, or are they? There are many students who have a love for reading, and they are part of a club that expresses the fun and positive aspects of reading while making it social as well. Book club has been around for a few years, but this year it has been split into three separate clubs, all with different themes, but all with the same love of reading: the traditional, social and silent. 

I’m excited to try something different with our book clubs this year. Some students prefer to read and discuss the same book while others just want to talk about the books they are currently reading. Separating into traditional and social book clubs satisfies the preferences of both groups. Silent book clubs have been trending recently. I thought this might be a great fit for our introverts, who come to book club, but don’t have much to say. They just want to hang out with other readers. So, now there’s a place where they can gather every week and read,” said Rebecca Fawcett, book club sponsor.

Social book club is where every member reads their individual books and then discusses what they are reading among others. Traditional book club is where everyone reads the same book, and at every meeting they discuss parts of it. Silent book club is where students can come to read in silence amongst other fellow readers; there is no talking or comparing involved.

Students who have been in the single book club in previous years now have the opportunity to be a part of the new additions.

“I’m in traditional book club and silent book club. [I chose these] because I am an introvert; I just don’t want to talk to other people, but the traditional book club allows you to compare ideas about what you read. [The addition of three book clubs was good] because it gets more people involved,” said Liz Willson, book club member.

The book clubs offer variety offering something for everyone’s personality. 

“We are just getting started, but the book club members seem to like the new options they have this year. They can choose whichever club, or clubs, that fit their style and schedule,” said Fawcett.