Jazz Band Performs For the First Time This Year

The Jazz band played for the Spring Hill Education Foundation on Oct. 17. The Jazz band entertained the sponsors while they wait for their breakfast (Photo submitted by DWooge).

The jazz band started its year off performing for the Spring Hill Education Foundation. The foundation is an organization that raises money to support the school district, such as giving grants to teachers and a large scholarship they award to two seniors every year. The jazz band was playing for them as entertainment for a breakfast they were having to appreciate donors.The jazz band has been asked to play a number of times before and it provides a great opportunity for them to play. 

“The performance went pretty well and it was a lot of fun to play,” said Logan Smoot, 12. 

Smoot also played several successful solos. 

Although the band does not having any trombones, they have still been doing well. 

“I’m sad to be without trombones, but we’re picking up the slack with other parts. So, I think it’s going well,” said Dan Wooge, band director.

After performing, the jazz band was surprised with access to the provided breakfast buffet. Following getting their food, they then went to the band room and celebrated together. The jazz band also will be receiving a great number of new music for future performances and is very excited to play them.

”We’re about to get new music, so that will be fun. I’m looking forward to learning more stuff,” Smoot, 12.