Football Season ends against number one-seat, Tonganoxie

Team Captions, Zade Barker, 12, Corbyn Myers, 12, Hunter Wilyard, 12, and Jakob Stovall, 12 walk out for the coin flip. This would be the last coin flip of their senior year (Photo by AAnderson).

After beating and upsetting the seven-seat Pittsburgh dragons the football team advanced to the second round of playoffs. After another week of hard practices, they fought the Tonganoxie Chieftains, the number one seat, on Nov. 8 at Tonganoxie. The team lost 24 to 45 but they put up a much bigger fight than the last time they met them in regular season. The Broncos scored two touchdowns in the first half, the first by Zack Knowlton, 10, and the second by Gage Klutts, 12, bringing the score to 14 to 21. The Broncos wouldn’t score again until the third quarter when Bear Gardner, 12, kicked a field goal. The final touchdown was made by Evan Letellier, 11, halfway through the fourth quarter bringing the score to 24 to 38. After Tonganoxie scored another touchdown the boys lost. Despite the loss, the game didn’t take a somber tone until the fans watched their seniors line up to hug their teammates goodbye. This is a team tradition in which the seniors get to hug their high school football careers goodbye.