New Virus in China Causes Concern

Family travelers walk through Hankou Railway Station in Wuhan in southern China’s Hubei province with luggage. Concerns have sparked all around that the virus will spread with large travel season coming up (Photo curtesy of Chinatopix via AP).

In Wuhan, Chinese health authorities urge citizens to avoid crowds due to a new viral illness that has infected more than 400 people and killed at least 17. The number of new cases has risen sharply in China causing alarm among health officials. Health experts have concluded that the disease is being transmitted through the respiratory tract. The illness comes from a family of viruses that can cause the common cold but also can cause a much more serious virus such as the SARS outbreak that spread throughout China and killed around 800 people. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the U.S have reported one case each. Screening has been set up in airports to screen travelers coming from Wuhan in order to try and control the virus. Many experts are concerned about a global outbreak however many countries are assuring their citizens that they have a plan.

A viral illness like this could easily get out of hand if not put under control. Hopefully, this does not become serious or global. The health officials in Wuhan are trying their best and other countries are trying their best to protect their citizens. It is too early to fully know what this disease truly is and what it can do but hopefully it will be stopped before the answers to those questions are found out.