CRISPR Advances Gene Editing

On Wed. 4, Dr. Andreas Lauer prepares for his first ever CRISPER surgury. With Advances in CRISPER certain types of blindness become more curable (Photo Courtesy of OHSU via AP and Kristyna Wentz-Graff).

Scientists said they have used the gene editing tool, CRISPR. inside someone’s body for the first time. This is an attempt to operate on DNA and treat diseases. CRISPR is believed to be a much easier tool for locating and cutting DNA at a certain spot. A patient recently had this operation done at the Casey Eye Institute at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland for an inherited form of blindness. It may take up to a month to see if the operation will restore vision. The people in this study have Leber congenital amaurosis, caused by a gene mutation. People who have this are often born with little vision and can lose even that within a few years. People with this mutation can not be treated with standard gene therapy, so now scientists are aiming to edit or possibly delete the mutation. One of the biggest potential risks from gene editing is that CRISPR could make unintended changes in other genes. However, companies have done lots to minimize that risk and to ensure that the treatment cuts only where it’s intended to.