Sports Update: Tennis and Golf

Girls tennis and golf seasons are coming off to an end with many great wins throughout the season (photo credit A. Shetlar).
Fall sports are quickly coming to an end, but with great success. Both girls tennis and golf are preparing to go to regionals in a few weeks.
The Lady Broncos Tennis team has had more players this year than ever before. More players brings more opportunities to play more matches and different schools.
“All around, even with COVID, this season has been a huge success.” said Paige Delagdo, girls’ tennis coach.
Although a large number of matches got cancelled, the coaches spent all the time they weren’t teaching searching for new opportunities to play. The girls fought hard for the time they had to play. They came off with many wins from the season’s matches and quads.
“JV and C Team won all but one [of their duals]. We also won all of our JV quads as well,” Delgado stated.
Senior doubles team Izzy Williams and Layla Smith qualified for State again this season. The girls have put forth so much effort this season to make it possible for them to get to state.
“We are as prepared as we can be, we know what we are up against. We’re going out there, and playing every point like it’s our last point,” Delgado said.
For our girls golf team, the JV season has officially come to an end, but the Varsity is preparing for regionals and state.
The JV team ended their season with a few wins at Gardner. Junior Ava Marcum placed first, freshman Lindsay Ellet placed 2nd, and junior Kilee Castro placed 3rd.
“As my very last tournament, I’m glad that our team did so well. Placing first at our last competition is a great way to end off my junior season.” said Ava Marcum.
The varsity team is heading to Salina to compete in the State tournament to finish off their season with some wins.

My name is Aubrianna Shetlar, and this year I am a senior. This is my second year in SPUB and I am the Senior Ads Manager this year! I am a part of several...