Huge Snowstorm in Japan Causes Roadway Complications
In Japan, a huge snowstorm struck a highway leaving a 130-car pile-up over half a mile long. This accident killed one person but injured several. Authorities had already enforced a reduced speed due to poor visibility to 30 mph, as wind speeds were over 62 mph. Those that were stuck behind any of the cars at the start of the accident were provided blankets, food, and water.
Over the past few weeks, Japan has been getting frequent snow storms across the country. Japan is supposed to expect up to 15 inches of snow over the next 24 hours. Last month snowstorms left more than 1,000 vehicles stranded on the Kanetsu expressway for over two days.

My name is Aubrianna Shetlar, and this year I am a senior. This is my second year in SPUB and I am the Senior Ads Manager this year! I am a part of several...