Anthony Sowell Dies in Prison

Anthony Sowell, a serial killer from Ohio, died in prison on Monday. He was charged with the murders of 11 women in a two-year span (photo courtesy AP News).
Anthony Sowell, a serial killer who was charged with the murder of 11 women, died in prison on Feb. 8. He died in the “end of life” care unit of Ohio State prison, from a terminal illness that was not related to COVID.
In 2011, Sowell was convicted of numerous charges for kidnapping, murder, and abuse, and sentenced to death. After Sowell’s continuous heinous acts, the first two bodies were found in his attic in 2009. The deaths of these women – aged 25-52 – varied in causes, but the biggest cause was strangled by hand or by ligature.

I'm Annabelle Davis, I am a senior, and this is my second year in SPUB. This year in SPUB, I am the Editor in Chief of Stampede. I am excited...