Taliban Restricts Barber Shops in Afghanistan
As the Taliban continues to take over the Middle East, they have added several restrictions. Right now in Afghanistan, the Taliban has officially restricted all barbers to cut hair. The reason for this restriction is because they want all of their citizens to have beards. This includes hair on someone’s head and any facial hair. Due to the restrictions, several businesses are suffering because no one is coming in any longer.
While more and more businesses are suffering, several citizens are as well. In the Middle East, it is a common feature to grow facial hair. Once the facial hair grows long enough, the citizens always usually attend the barber shops. The barber shops mentioned that each customer usually comes back every 40 days

I'm Annabelle Davis, I am a senior, and this is my second year in SPUB. This year in SPUB, I am the Editor in Chief of Stampede. I am excited...