Snack Attack!

Weston Whipkey, 12, uses the vending machines to get a snack (photo by S. Hatcher).

As of the beginning of this school year, vending machines are being brought back to the high school. They were once at the school around nine years ago. They have become quite popular once they were added back into the school. By having vending machines, students can buy these snack and drink items in case they missed out on breakfast, an afternoon snack, or can even be used before or after sports practices. 

Knowing the school was short staffed in the beginning of the school year, Marc Williams, principal, consulted the district office about bringing vending machines back to the high school. As a result, Jayci Dalton, director of food and nutrition, and Williams negotiated the installation of vending machines.

While they can be helpful, they also have their disadvantages. 

“They could make students late for class,” Williams said.

Mackenzie Copeland, 9, said it’s great to have them especially after sport practices.

“Some people don’t always have time to eat breakfast in the mornings, so I think it’s good to have vending machines,” Copeland said.

Copeland said that occasionally it takes awhile to get food or drinks from the vending machines, which can sometimes lead to students being tardy to classes. 

Vending machines can be helpful to many athletic players. Before and after sports practices, as well as weights class, have shown to be benefited from this.

Evan Burke, 10, spoke about how vending machines are useful for people who are part of athletics and weight classes. 

“Guys in most weight classes use the vending machines during passing periods to rehydrate and refuel their energy for their next classes,” Burke said.

The prices of the items make it easy for most students to afford and easy for them to be able to bring cash to pay.

“Prices are very affordable for being in high school,” Burke added.

The vending machines are located in the cafeteria and upper gym.