PERUsing the World

Peru posters found around the high school that give students more information on the trip to Peru (photo by B. Pierson).

The high school has been given opportunities to take trips to far places in previous years, so the offer to take a trip to Peru was no surprise. However, some don’t know about the true details of this trip and the benefits that can come with it.

While it is ensured that Spanish students get great opportunities to go on this trip, anyone is able to attend. 

“We gave first priority to kids that were enrolled in Spanish but after they had their opportunity to enroll there were still open spots,” Kelsea Stueve, Spanish teacher, said.

Non-Spanish students can still find opportunities through this trip, even if they don’t have experience with the Spanish language.

“I think it would be a good opportunity for anybody. But all of the tours and all the things that we do have English options too, and so it would be good, I think, for anybody to go,” Stueve added.

Although students not enrolled in Spanish are also encouraged to go, the students who are in Spanish find this opportunity special.

“Peru has been on my bucket list since I was a kid, and I felt like it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It would be cool to go with people that are my own age and with my own experiences,” Blaire Sommer, 11, said.

There will be supervisors on the trip, like Stueve, and parents are also given the chance to experience Peru with their kids.

“Right now I am the only adult, but I know Mrs. Divine is considering the possibility of going. Other parents and adults can come,” Stueve said.

There are some requirements though, if parents decide they want to volunteer.

“They have to do a background check to attend just because there’s going to be minors with us but other adults can attend so if a parent decides they want to come,” Stueve added.

Students still have until February to enroll in this trip which will not take place until July 2023. It is encouraged to sign up as quickly as possible so that families have the option to spread their payments out overtime. Families and students can reach out to Stueve for any information regarding the trip to Peru.