Different Teams, Same Goal

No matter what a student’s placement on a sports team may be, they constantly aim to improve. Their starting points may differ, but they ultimately work toward the same goals.

One tennis player in particular had reached her initial goal of placing on JV, as she had previously placed on C-team the year prior. However, she now has a new goal to work toward.

“[Placing on JV] makes me continue to work harder because there are placements in JV, like higher JV and lower JV. I would aim for the top six of JV [next year],” Yasmeen Al Dugom, JV tennis player, 11, said.

People on varsity have the same drive and motivation to work as hard as people on JV and C-team. However, their motives may be different. Instead of moving up to varsity, many of them aim for college level excellence.

“Varsity is just the beginning. I’m working to go play college soccer,” Ethan Bowman, varsity soccer player, 9, said.

Sometimes a student’s placement on a team may feel unexpected, whether that be good news or bad news. Either way, the students can gain a new sense of motivation from their placement.

“I didn’t expect to make varsity. I was at least aiming for JV. I think making varsity gave me a little boost of confidence [which I will try to carry through high school],” Bowman said.

While an athlete may be content with their current team, they could also want to get a higher placement.

“I really wanted to make JV, but I was really happy with C-team in the end. I love being a leader for the C-team. Since I am a little older it’s really nice, but I do want to be able to be at a higher level,” Addy Horne, C-team volleyball player, 10, said.

Students not only learn and grow from disappointments, but when they reach their goals as well. They continue to work hard and set new goals to better themselves. The fact that there is always room for improvement should not be discouraging; instead, students see it as a way to further develop their skills.