Pep and Prep

On Dec. 9, Keara Simpson, 10, works on her final preparation in Alicia Hampton’s third hour intro to agriculture class.

At the beginning of the year, many freshmen are still trying to get the feel of high school. Many high schools around the globe have semester finals. While these freshmen are taking on new responsibilities, they are also learning how to manage their schedules. Finals are able to be viewed as a good opportunity to learn about what they know the best and what can be worked on in later times. 

Some freshmen started to prepare early for finals, while others have not. There are many different ways that students prepare for the upcoming final exams. 

Students can begin by making a plan for which classes they need to study the most for. 

“I’m going to look over my materials and review different things we learned this year,” Ian Collins, 9, said.

Some students form small groups of people to study with. This has shown to help students in a social aspect with their studies as well as having some positivity in the atmosphere. JoJo Satchell, 9, plans to prepare for finals this way.

“I plan on going to the study group on the 15th of this December with my friends so we can all help each other,” Satchell said.

“I’ll make a Quizlet to help me, and send it to my friends so they can also use it. Sometimes they’ll make one and give it to me to use as well,” Satchell said.

Caylee Callen, 9, also uses notes to help her study, along with her peers who create notes as well.

“I’ve been going back and forth between my notes, and then lately we’ve had a lot of tests. I would go check and make sure I know everything,” Callen said.