Bronco Life: Jan 30-Feb 24

  • On Jan. 31, Calen George, 10 combines his finished dish with the others that his classmates cooked.

  • On Jan. 7th, William Meier helped his students put strawberries into the bags to prepare for the strawberry lab.

  • On Feb. 13, Melissa Reinhart helps chemistry student Adiel Garcia, 11, to remark measurements lines on a pipette that will later by lit as apart of their Chemistry rocket lab project.

  • On Jan. 30, Ruby Dickie, 12, works with clay on a loop removing unwanted clay.

  • On Feb. 24, Brady Kaiser, 11, Kairi Quinn, 11, and Jacob Campbell, 11, do a fetal pig dissection in Anatomy.

  • On Feb. 10, the Dazzler dance team performs a dance in front of the entire school during the pep assembly for homecoming.

  • On Feb. 10, during the pep assembly, James Sheldon, 11, cheers for the juniors while holding a sign.

  • On Feb. 21, the girls basketball team watching their two seniors Jenna Weber and Delaney Hill during senior night.

  • On Feb. 10, Coach Paige Husa speaks to the girls basketball team during a game giving them motivation to keep working hard.

  • On Feb. 12, Mariah Ramos uses hand gestures in her fifth hour class to help the students better understand the topic she was explaining.

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