Many students have been eagerly awaiting the inception of a swim and dive team for years now. Towards the end of the 22 to 23 school year, Clay Frigon, athletic director, sent out an interest survey on swimming and bowling to current seniors, juniors, and sophomores.
“As far as KSHAA sanctioned sports, [swim] is one of the few we don’t offer,” Frigon explained. “Those [sports we don’t offer] are all very heavily dependent on facilities, and while looking at different options, [swim] was one that deemed a good fit because the facility was covered by Osawatomie having a pool,” Frigon said.
The boy’s swim season is during the winter and the girl’s season is during the spring. Those participating in the swim team will be a part of a cooperative with Osawatomie, Paola, and Louisburg. The athletes will be transported to practice at the Ozone Fitness center in Osawatomie with other students in the

Students will provide their own practice suit; however, the team usually decides on a suit that they will wear to competitions. Water, towels, and goggles will be provided by the athlete. However, swim caps are provided by the cooperative.
“My boys team typically wears all black jammers, the girls like to pick a suit. We will talk about that at the beginning of the season, we try to keep that cost effective, and if money is an issue, we’ll take care of you,” Mary Kathryn Argeropoulos, cooperative boys and girls swim coach said.
Argeropoulos, met with students at the high school who are interested in the swim team on Oct. 6 during advisory to introduce themself and answer questions the student athletes have about this new and upcoming sport.
“You do not need to know anything about swimming in order to come out for the team, and be successful on our team. We will teach you everything you need to know, we have elite swimmers who swim at nationals and those who don’t know how to put their face in the water,” Argeropoulos said.