Many people who have served as student body presidents bring a good amount of StuCo experience to the table. Different from the rest, Shayna Shekhar, this year’s student body president, 12, has only participated in student council their freshman year. Sekhar’s ninth grade year was 2020. Because of this, a lot has shifted for the student government since then.
“It’s definitely changed since my freshman year,” Shekhar said. “We aren’t on zoom calls anymore.”

Now that the restrictions have been lifted, the student council has become a lot more involved in the school and is able to connect to the student body more and more. Along with a good amount of change in the student council, Shekhar has dealt with a lot of personal change in StuCo.
“It is definitely a bigger responsibility. I definitely have more say, and I know more things than I did my freshman year,” Shekhar said.
Much has changed since Shekhar was involved in student government, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that the student council has been connected to one another.
“I thought it would be super fun to be part of a family again, because I really enjoyed StuCo my freshman year,” Shekhar says.
With all of the changes going on around them, Shekhar has still worked very hard this year to make positive changes to the school community.
“I definitely wanted everyone to have a bigger voice, and I wanted everyone’s ideas to be heard,” Shekhar said.
No doubt about it, Shekhar has made significant changes to the student body, despite the amount of experience they have.