Every year, during the fall semester, the high school StuCo holds an event in order to gain donations for the Spring Hill Food Pantry. This event is called ‘Food Fight.’ Each class participates in the event by bringing in non-perishable foods and goods to earn points. The class with the most points by the end of the week will win the competition.
“As the student council, we really try to get involved in the community activities and support the community in various ways, and one of them is through fundraising efforts like the Food Fight. The primary purpose is to help us really give and help replenish the food pantry because they give so much to our community, and it’s so important to help support those organizations within our own Spring Hill community. It’s also for fun to get a little bit of a competition between the classes to help motivate them and to bring in items like soaps and healthcare items that sometimes people forget are still needed in our own community,” Michelle Weltz, StuCo sponsor, said.

Various students tend to participate in this event and all bring in multiple items. Every class is encouraged to participate in order to score more points overall.
“I would say there are probably small groups in every class that tend to participate well enough in it, but again that goes back to making sure that the class leaders are reaching out to their classes and making sure they are aware that this is going on and through announcements. We would love every student to be able to participate more, but in a school this size it could be kind of difficult to make sure everybody is participating. The more we can get to join in, the better,” Weltz said.
The classes place their donations in carts near the entrance of the school, and the scores are counted up and written daily as a new total for each class. It’s remained as an event for several years within the high school.
“I think it’s a good tradition that we do every year, and it helps our community. I think the competition definitely encourages kids to try and bring more food, which is helpful,” Madison Veal, StuCo co-president, said.
The winning class receives prizes such as Bronco Pride perks for their class. The competition has always been a memorable one capable of giving donations to the local food pantry and bringing a benefit to both them and the classes.