With it being the final quarter of the school year, motivation to get work done can be a struggle. Motivation to even come to school can be a challenge for many students
Sometimes it takes certain things to encourage students to come to school and try on their schoolwork.
“Being a role model for my younger brother and being able to play sports,” Cali Claar, 10, said.
Activities are a main thing that encourages students to work hard in school and get assignments done.
“Going to college and ideally wrestling, schoolwork is important to me because

of sports. Knowing that at the end of the day I’ll be able to play sports and keep doing what I’m doing,” Duncan Pinkham, 10, said.
The fourth quarter can be harder to motivate students as it’s the final quarter before summer break.
Pinkham discussed how they felt about fourth quarter, where they described it felt like they’re in the “homestretch, it feels like we’re almost there when we’ve only got two more months.”
Claar felt encouraged to finish their schoolwork at school knowing that they will be able to play sports at the end of the day and knowing they’ll have freetime when they get home.
Staying motivated with schoolwork is important to finish off the school year.
”Being able to practice at the end of the day and knowing that I’ll be able to see people and hopefully learn something new,” Claar said.
The fourth quarter can be challenging with schoolwork, sports, finals, graduation, etc. Finding ways to stay motivated is important to finish off the school year on good terms.