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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


  • Spring Break!
  • GBB State Semifinals March 14 @Emporia
The student news site of Spring Hill High School


The student news site of Spring Hill High School



Welcome to the Spring Hill Publications small corner of the internet! Here on Stampede News, you can read student-written articles about anything from last night’s choir concert to reviews of Netflix shows to major world news…we’ve got it all! This year is bringing major changes for all of us, and that includes our publications team, with a lot of new editors and staff writers.  As we are going through all these changes we hope to keep up the quality that you have come to know and love. Luckily, we have our lovely advisors, Mrs. Manning and Mr. Kunkle, to help guide us through. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments; we love each and every one of them!  Also, please take some time to meet our new staff (and catch up with our old) under the Staff tab, where you can see their bios, stories they’ve written, and their lovely faces. If you like the things you’re reading, make sure that you give one of our social media pages a follow, so you will get notified when we post something new (links at the top of the page). Thank you so much for visiting us here! Go Broncos!