Summer can be a time for fun but also a time for work and saving money. Many students take up jobs, full time or part time, in the summers. It can be babysitting, waiting tables, working at a retail store, lifeguarding and more.
“I work at Spring Hill Aquatics Center; it’s local and it’s convenient,” Emery Feeback, 10, said.
It’s not easy to enter the workforce on your own. Parents, siblings, and friends can be helpful.
“My sister helped me get it because she’s worked there before and my parents,” Feeback said.
Working hours can be long and tedious depending on how many shifts you pick up.
“I have weights in the morning, and then we have to be there by 11:30 a.m and it starts off with us doing CPR, which is us going over situations, and then at noon we open so we get to our stand and then we have a lifeguard swim every two hours. We work for eight hours, and then we usually stay and have water wars. It’s really fun,” Feeback said.
With long days, making friends and having fun with old ones can help get one through.
“I made some friends last year. I worked with my sister last year, this year I’m working with Navaeh Fulk and Margo Todd. If people make work fun it is better,” who?
Some prefer a more casual, but still demanding line of work.
“I’m a summer nanny. It pays well and I’ve done it since my freshman year,” Keilah Rivers, 12, said.
Compared to a lifeguard, days can be longer but more laid back for a full time nanny.
“I get there at nine, and we usually hangout until lunch and then we eat and go to the pool for a few hours and after we will get some sort of treat,” Rivers said.
No matter if one’s job is more professional or relaxed, summers are a great way to find a job and start making money, whether it’s for college, a car, or just some extra cash to burn.