Bronco Life: Volume 5
On Nov. 13, Wyatt Gatlin, 11, relieves pressure in his left arm after getting blood drawn. Students over the age of 17 could sign up to donate blood for the annual blood drive hosted by HOSA.
Quorynn Harris, 11, applies makeup to Andon Mattox, 12, before the opening night of “Beauty and the Beast” Nov. 14.
Dylan Estes, 11, and Logan Beckman, 12, laugh together during the NHS induction ceremony Nov. 13.
Lillian Metcalf, 9, follows a reference on their iPad for a drawing Nov. 13.
On Nov. 19, Jaleigh White, Taisha Charles, 12, and Austin Wright, 11, dissect a sheep brain in anatomy class.
Jackson Torrez and Gage Wingerter, 12, run onto the field before a football game Nov. 8.
Madden Oswald and Miley Nichols, 11, examine bugs that people collected and froze to study for an entomology contest Nov. 18.
During ceramics, 4, Ava Rushing, 12, adds bugs for embellishment on the outside of a water pitcher Nov. 13.
On Nov. 6, Miles Pankey, 12, leads a leadership activity involving the process of making a s’more that is meant to showcase the importance of clear communication during the annual PALs retreat.
On Nov. 21, Lily Bunker, 10, lights a bunsen burner during a lab that compares molecular and empirical formulas.