Moving On from High School


Students are leaving the high school and moving on (photo illustration by F. Dent).

After spring break, it’s crunch time. Graduation is around the corner, as are deadlines for grades, tests, and redos. Prom will be here soon, as will final chances for remaining high school memories. There are three weeks left of school, and sooner rather than later, the most bittersweet day of the year will arrive. Classrooms will be left for the last time, farewells will be said to beloved staff members, and caps and gowns will be donned. 

“My biggest mental burden is how I’m going to do something hilarious. I was going to do the thing in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where they somersault and fall. I’m just really bad at somersaulting, so my sister suggested I just fall and eat it on stage,” Matalyn Chitwood, 12, said. 

Leaving the high school is bittersweet for a few reasons. 

“The only person I’m going to say goodbye to is my best friend at the end of summer. I’ve never had the same teacher for all four years.” Chitwood said.

“I’m ready, just scared about the expectations of being an adult. [I’ll be able to] find more time for myself.” Ashley Paulsen, 12, said. 

There are some kids who find it harder to move on from places that they’ve been at for the past four years. Everyone deals with change differently. Some seniors will go from having one experience in high school, to having something completely different bound for them after graduation.

“I’m going to a place where I’m not going to have anyone. [I’m going to] Minnesota.” Chitwood said.

“I’m going to KU, and I’m going to be majoring in architectural engineering,” Paulsen said.

While striking off without anyone can be difficult, moving on is necessary to obtain a new life.