Bronco Life: Volume 2
Michael McCright, 12, helps Austin Garder, 12, while they study in Matthew Lundy’s, science teacher, class (Photo by: LPinkerton).
Maddie Veil, 11, lifts in 5th hour weights (photo by: CWinebrenner).
Kristen Kohn, 11 works on her chemistry lab (Photo by: AAlbright).
Georann Whitman passionately conducts the choir at the Oct. 10 choir concert (Photo by: MMarmon)
Kyle Burger, Shop teacher, assists Keene Saxon,11, in Manufacturing and Engineering (Photo by: ZEasley).
Madalyn Metcalf rolls her dough in Baking on Oct. 11 (Photo by: DPhan)
Samantha Winebrenner, 12, studies as midterms aproach in Thomas Sherrons, English teacher, composition class (Photo by: EHaromon).
Seth Oberkrom aggressively races down field at the varsity soccer game on Oct. 11 (Photo by: EHarmon).
Elizabeth Suter, 11, set the ball for her teammate at the Oct. 12 Varsity volleyball game (Photo by: HEvans)
Keilah Rivers, 12, serves for the varsity volleyball team on Oct. 12 (Photo by: HEvans).