Bronco Life: Volume 13
On Feb. 2, Tristan Meglemre, 12, helped hold an engineering project in place.
On Feb. 8, Sydney Goldman, ceramics teacher, guided Rosemary Mader, 11, on what could be improved on their ceramics project.
On March 22, a chamber orchestra student practiced the piano. Practicing helped lead to greater strength and dexterity.
On March 2, Clayton Meek, 10, auctions off an item during the annual FFA auction.
On March 5, Addelyn Horne 11, assistant stage manager, laughs during a practice run through of the spring play “Macbeth.”
On March 5, Haylee Whitcraft, 12, and Jolee Castro, 11, pose for a photo during track practice.
Keegan Fulk, 11, assembles a cheeseburger during Aubrey Corn’s culinary essentials class.
On March 20, Daniel Heinen, 10, studies during Stephanie Hojancki’s honors algebra 2 class.
On March 21, freshman athlete Joseph Immediato, 9, ran to the next base.
On March 4, Skyler Smitherman, 11, marked measurements on wood to know exactly where to cut.