During 7th hour debate class, Luke Torrez, 12, and Adiel Garcia, 12, prepared for their debate tournament. The pair went undefeated and earned second place. (Photo by Hannah King)
On Nov. 7, during second hour. Madeline Weaver, 9, and Addison Bond, 11, rehearse with the rest of the jazz band. Tristan Bartley directed them. (photo by Olivia Tarvin)
On Nov. 7, HOSA, an organization of future health professionals, ran the annual blood drive. Students volunteered for various tasks throughout the event, and those of age and with guardian permission donated alongside community members. (photo by Hailey Evans)
On Nov. 7, Payton Snow, 9, worked on their project in Abby Stallbaumer’s art fundamentals class. Students use the class to express themselves through art. (photo by Daniel Heinen)
The cast of “The Music Man” works through a table read of the script Nov. 2. The cast performed four times between Nov. 15-18 under the direction of Adrianna Wendel. (photo by Lenore Pinkerton)
Michelle Weltz, English teacher, helps Taylor Thomson, 11, analyze the passage for rhetorical choices. This helps Thomson practice for the rhetorical essay on their upcoming test. (photo by Hailey Evans)
On Nov. 1, Adrianna Wendel, theater teacher, demonstrates how to apply different kinds of makeup. The class practiced how to create injuries and age lines among another things. (photo by Ashley Fuel-Tyner)
On Aug. 31, Lillian Gillcrist, 12, and Aleaha Schwinn, 11,, get pointers from head coach Thomas Sherron during a home meet. Overall, the JV team went 13-5 that day. (photo by Mallory Marmon)
On Sept. 20, Addison Meats, 11, practices on the Sycamore Ridge golf course driving range. The team practiced at Sycamore Ridge, on either the driving range or the course, most days but rarely competed there. (photo by Gianna Cowsert)
On Nov. 11, juniors and seniors gather for the induction ceremony of the National Honors Society. This was the finalization for the entrance of the members. (photo by Kayley Tran)
Bronco Life: Volume 6
Hannah King, Galleries Manager
November 15, 2023
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Hannah King, Lead Senior Ads Manager
Howdy! My name is Hannah King and I am so excited to serve for my 3rd year. I wanted to do SPUB because of the iconic show “Gilmore Girls” but my love for journalism has blossomed into much more since. Last year I served as the galleries manager and senior ad designer. This year I am excited to focus my efforts by being the lead senior ads manager. Through SPUB I have competed in editorial writing, and photography where I have placed on the regional level as well as yearbook design. Outside of SPUB I participate in StuCo, Band and FFA. I love SPUB because it is a place where everyone’s passions meet to create one common product. A fun fact about me is that I have a strong love for agriculture and I serve as the ECD sentinel for FFA and an ag ambassador for the farm bureau. I can’t wait to leave a legacy for all the future SPUBbers!