Bronco Life: Volume 14
On April 8, Owen Melius and Daniel Heinen, 10, watch the eclipse from outside the art classrooms during honors chemistry.
On April 8, Hannah King, 11, and Luke Torrez, 12, took direct photos of the solar eclipse.
On April 8, Jordyn Vander Veur, Macey Chaulk, Langston Nichols, and Zoe Chronister, 10, gather outside to enjoy the solar eclipse.
On April 8, Hunter Fine, 11, took photos of the solar eclipse with their Nintendo DS.
On April 8, Jamie Ballard and Stephanie Hojnacki, math teachers, enjoy the fresh air while watching the solar eclipse.
On April 8, Daphne Mullies, 11, uses their phone to take photos of the solar eclipse during seventh hour.
On April 8, Hannah Mueller, 11, views the solar eclipse safely using viewing glasses provided by the high school.
On April 8, Brent Smitheran, math teacher, relaxes outside while working on their computer.
On April 8, Spring Hill experienced an approximately 90% totality of a solar eclipse. Students spent about 30 minutes outdoors with specialized glasses to view the event.
On April 8, Spring Hill experienced an approximately 90% totality of a solar eclipse. Students spent about 30 minutes outdoors with specialized glasses to view the event.