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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


The student news site of Spring Hill High School


Review: "Ford v Ferrari"

Review: “Ford v Ferrari”

Madison Sutton, Staff Writer
December 10, 2019
During a dress rehearsal, Remington White, 9, sings as his character Bobby Long, to Polly Baker portrayed by Isabel Infante, 11. Since White is a freshman this was his first time performing on the high school stage and was the main character (Photo by I. Williams).

Review: Crazy For this musical

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
November 18, 2019
Review: Eli; Graving Disapointing

Review: Eli; Graving Disapointing

Alivia Bates, Staff Writer
October 28, 2019
“Detective Pikachu poster can be seen in Newport, England”

Review: Detective Pikachu

Logan Trask, Staff Writer
October 2, 2019
“Detective Comics” is the original name for “DC comics."  DC comics makes so many amazing comic books and almost every comic mentioned was written by DC comics even “Kick-Ass” and “Watchmen.” (Photo Credit

A Place to Start: Comic Books

Zack Knust, Staff Writer
September 16, 2019
Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home

Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
September 10, 2019
Me before I saw "It chapter 2" on Aug. 6 at AMC theaters.

Review: It chapter 2

Brianna, Copy Editor
September 9, 2019
Godzilla destroying Tokyo, Japan, the place where he was created and what the first Godzilla movie was based on. The fan art above is based on the 2016 movie “Godzilla Resurgence.” (Fanart by Noger Chen on Flickr)

Review: Godzilla: King of monsters

Zack Knust, Staff Writer
September 3, 2019
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