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  • Wrestling League Tournament Feb. 8 @Ottawa
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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


The student news site of Spring Hill High School


Ashdon Kice

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager

Hi, my name is Ashdon Kice, this is my second year as Stampede News’ Photo Manager. My job includes creating and posting galleries, along with writing the occasional story.  I was in the publications class in eighth grade and decided to follow that path into SPUB. I like photography but I am not amazing at it, but creating galleries is a fun job because I can show people what happened at an event they might not have been able to attend, or get to see themselves in the fun of being a Bronco. I personally enjoy writing fiction, reading, watching or steaming shows and movies, and listening to music. I like many kinds of music which is a reason I am in band.  Outside of school I have a martial arts class which takes up the little bit of free time I have. At home I am an only child and live with my Mom, Dad and my dog Olive.

All content by Ashdon Kice
End of Year SPUB Picnic

End of Year SPUB Picnic

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
May 19, 2021
At the end of rehearsal, the cast a crew lined up for a group picture. The final half of the show is set to perform on April 9-10 (Photo by Z. Knust).

The Pandemic Project Performance

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
April 5, 2021
During practice, Joey Reinhart, 9, and Keagan Sinclair, 10, work on improving their volley skills while up at the service line (Photo by I. Williams).

Boys Tennis Starts Practice

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
March 29, 2021
On Feb. 6, Brennleigh Towles, 12, and Avery Marney, 11, sack groceries for the Dazzler Dance Team. The Dance Team worked for two days to raise money toward their Nationals trip in the Spring (Photo by A. Marney).

Dazzler Fundraisers at Hy-Vee

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
March 23, 2021
Fashion Trends Class Designs

Fashion Trends Class Designs

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
March 8, 2021
Winter Homecoming

Winter Homecoming

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
March 1, 2021
Honors Algebra II Back in Action

Honors Algebra II Back in Action

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 22, 2021
Madrigals Rehearses in Person

Madrigals Rehearses in Person

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 15, 2021
Cursive Culinary Creations

Cursive Culinary Creations

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 8, 2021
Gus Oppeau, 11, played Among Us during his 16 hour live stream event for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Oppeau streamed on his twitch channel and raised over $1000 (photo submitted by G. Oppeau).

Twitch Stream for St. Jude’s

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 2, 2021
Boys Soccer Regional Tournament

Boys Soccer Regional Tournament

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 1, 2021

Auto, Home, and Life in School

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
January 18, 2021
Volkswagen has seen sales of hybrid and electric cars triple ahead of the E.U.'s new climate rules. It is expected that other major car companies will begin to produce more environmentally-friendly vehicles (photo courtesy AP News).

Hybrid, Electric Car Sales Skyrocket

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
January 12, 2021
Orchestra Plays Before Concert

Orchestra Plays Before Concert

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
January 11, 2021
Wrestlers Start the Season

Wrestlers Start the Season

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
December 15, 2020
Band Concert Through CoVid

Band Concert Through CoVid

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
December 2, 2020
StuCo Holds Veteran's Day Parade

StuCo Holds Veteran’s Day Parade

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 23, 2020
Musical Rocks the Schoolhouse

Musical Rocks the Schoolhouse

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 14, 2020
The inside of a tent at an Ethiopian blood drive put on to support the country's military (photo credit AP News).

Refugees Arrested in Sudan

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 13, 2020
On Nov. 7, an Ethiopian citizen reads news about the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia. Since then, hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled the country, seeking refuge in Sudan (photo courtesy AP News).

Sudan Prepares to Accept Refugees

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 12, 2020
Soccer Plays at Regionals

Soccer Plays at Regionals

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 9, 2020
Band Plays Pep Band Music

Band Plays Pep Band Music

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 2, 2020
Physics From Class to Concepts

Physics From Class to Concepts

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
October 26, 2020
Before their home tournament on Oct. 25, 2019, last year’s Scholars Bowl team lined up for a team photo. After, each student was sent off to a room, to either run or be in the tournament (Photo by I. Williams).

A Bowl With COVID

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
October 26, 2020
Tennis Ace the Match

Tennis Ace the Match

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
October 19, 2020
Bump the Competition

Bump the Competition

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
October 12, 2020
Over 100,000 people in Belarus have begun protesting against the recent presidential election. Their president has been in power for 26 years, and people are starting to get angry (photo credit AP News).

Protests Erupt in Belarus

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
October 8, 2020
The Race to Victory

The Race to Victory

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
October 6, 2020
Bronco Football Gallery

Bronco Football Gallery

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
September 28, 2020
Boys Soccer Kicks Off the Season

Boys Soccer Kicks Off the Season

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
September 22, 2020
Powderpuff Game

Powderpuff Game

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
September 15, 2020
On July 24, I took this as my family drove into Estes Park, Colo. We have been taking trips there for the past five years, but with Covid-19, our trip has been canceled like many others trips planned by students (Photo by A. Kice).

Home, but Not Alone

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
April 9, 2020
One item to be sold is a painting of a cow, made for and donated to the FFA. Jasmine Green, 10, holds the painting while the auctioneer accepts bids (Photo by A. Dickey).

FFA Hosts Fundraiser Auction

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
March 3, 2020
In her fourth hour Algebra 1 class, Abigail Sparks, 9, listens to music while she works on her math review. Her class is getting ready for a test later that week (Photo by D. Birk).

Math of Different Levels

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 28, 2020
On Dec. 17, Alayna Nowlin, 10, reads along while Kerri Rodden, English teacher, reads To Kill a Mockingbird. The classes finished up the book and prepared to take a quiz over it (Photo by A. Frigon).

The Honor to Read

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 21, 2020
During her painting class on Jan 27, Olivia Chrisman, 11, prepares her paints and water cups to paint her next piece. Chrisman's piece was chosen online and edited to match that assignments size and coloring (Photo by J. Dunn).

A Study in Color

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 19, 2020
On Jan 22, Alex Winkler, Government teacher, starts class with a speech about college life. Winkler's Government class is a semester class for seniors (Photo by OLawson).

Life Lessons From History

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
February 12, 2020
As Avery Anderson, 12, is announced as part of the starting line up she runs through her team's tunnel to give teammate Ali Frank, 11, a chest bump. The Broncos get ready for their season opener against Atchison at home (Photo by A. Frigon).

Girls Basketball Starts Off Season

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
December 19, 2019
During the home mixer on Dec. 5, Copper Finch, 11, wins his first wrestling match of the season. This is his first year wrestling and he is excited for the future (Photo by A. Frigon).

Wrestlers Host Home Tournament

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
December 12, 2019
The AP Chemistry teacher, Gissel McDonald, class Keen Knittle and Jordan Kinsley, 11, set up their test tube for their lab. In this lab they were tasked with determining the density of the gas through evaporation (Photo by H. Smith).

AP Chemistry Class Finds Air Density

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
December 10, 2019
During the second hour Essentials of Interior and Textile Design class Katelynn Rolfe, 10, and Nayeli Enciso, 11, work on their fall lookbook by sketching fashion designs to create a fall collection. On Oct. 9, they work to have clothes to fit the season (Photo by I. Williams).

Textiles Design and Create

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
December 6, 2019
During his second hour ceramics class, You Yang, 12, puts the ceramic clay through a slab roller. This machine takes the clay and flattens it into large slabs to be cut to the desired size and shape of the artist (Photo by J. Haworth).

Ceramics Class Creates Art

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
December 3, 2019
While fixing his bridge during his second hour Engineering Applications class on Nov. 12, Kyler Breinholt, 11, adds glue to the structure to make it sturdier. He explained that he didn't think it would hold with what he had done already (Photo by E. Dowd).

Engineering Tests Bridge Designs

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 19, 2019
During the dress rehearsal on Nov. 13, Remington White, 9, practices his big opening number in full costume and lighting. White plays Bobby Child, the main character of Crazy for You, (Photo by I. Williams).

Crazy For You Rehearsals

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 14, 2019
As the hour finishes on Nov. 5, Laura Flanery, 12, relocates the tomato plants so they can have more light. She makes one spot, on top of the buckets of dirt, the ideal location for the plants (Photo by EDowd).

Horticulture plants Tomatoes

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
November 12, 2019
At the end of the lab in William Meier's second hour Freshmen Biology class, Victoria Vincent, 9, Moira Carr, 9, Avery Seiling, 9,  and Riley Cook, 9, pour their soda into bottles to store (Photo by A. Marney).

Freshmen Biology makes Soda

Ashdon Kice, Photo manager
November 4, 2019
During College Prep on Oct. 15, Braxton Dixon, Parker Stokes and Zack Sanderson, 12, take notes during class. (Photo by A. Hatfield).

Note taking in College prep math

Ashdon Kice, Photo manager
October 31, 2019
On Sept. 11, Lane Shoemaker, 10, cuts right to get into open space and catch the football. Caitlyn Rexroat, 12 made another run to get open for the ball, (photo by M. Hood).

Lifetime of Fun

Ashdon Kice, Photo manager
October 28, 2019
The Spring Hill Marching Broncos were announced as the first place winners of the Spring Hill Marching Festival.  Makayla Popovich, Field director  11, accepts the first place trophy with Alex Claerhout, Field director, 11, and Gus Oppeau, Field director, 10 (Photo by KOaks)

Marching Broncos Win Home Tournament

Ashdon Kice, Photo manager
October 24, 2019
Logan Hilgendorf and Daniel Mitchell studying the periodic table on Monday, September 23. Memorizing the periodic table in Honors Chemistry is super important and these two almost got it down (Photo by CCallen).

Science Classes Study for Tests

Ashdon Kice, Photo manager
October 14, 2019
On the 19th of September 2019, Jill Gardner, 12, cuts some lemons for the chicken recipe she did in Culinary class. (photo by Laura Gonzalez Diez)

Culinary Kills in the Kitchen

Ashdon Kice, Photo manager
October 6, 2019
Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home

Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home

Ashdon Kice, Photo Manager
September 10, 2019
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