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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


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  • State Varsity Wrestling Feb. 28
  • ACT Feb. 24
The student news site of Spring Hill High School


The student news site of Spring Hill High School


Gracey Cowden

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer

Hey! My name is Gracey and I am a senior. This is my third year in SPUB, and I am a staff writer for this school year. I joined because I have always loved to write, so being able to write about things that are actually happening here at Spring Hill High School is so exciting to me! The only other thing I do here at the high school is play soccer. I started to play soccer when I was four and loved it ever since! A fun fact about me is that I was homeschooled my whole life up until my freshman year. I love Italian food and dancing with friends. When I am not sleeping I tend to find myself watching some of my favorite movies and shows, like The Maze Runner series and Gilmore Girls. I live on 10 acres of land with my parents, three siblings, two dogs, six cats, and five ducks; and I love every single one of them! Now you know a little bit about me; hope you enjoyed!

All content by Gracey Cowden
On October 30 senior, Brianna Gulley, 12, starts to clean up after a scholar bowl home tournament. Gulley is a senior this year in Scholars Bowl (Photo by L. Kuhn).

Seniority > Senioritis

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
March 12, 2020
Bill Passed Over Natural Hair

Bill Passed Over Natural Hair

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
February 28, 2020
Method test prep is a feature on xello that helps prepare you for the ACT. It gives you different tasks to complete every week to make sure you are well prepared to take the test (Photo Submitted by GCowden).

Level up on the ACT

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
February 27, 2020
Sloane McKinney, 12, gets her senior pictures professionally done. Senior pictures is just one of the many expenses senior year brings (Photo submitted by S.McKinney).

Future Finances

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
November 21, 2019
During a dress rehearsal, Remington White, 9, sings as his character Bobby Long, to Polly Baker portrayed by Isabel Infante, 11. Since White is a freshman this was his first time performing on the high school stage and was the main character (Photo by I. Williams).

Review: Crazy For this musical

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
November 18, 2019
Posing for a picture, Kenzie Rios, 12, and her siblings show off their pumpkins. The pumpkin in the middle on the bottom is a pumpkin they carved for their brother who is away serving in the military (Photo submitted by Kenzie Rios).

Falling Into Traditions

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
November 14, 2019
Studying after getting back from a long weekend and confrences, seniors talk about and remember what their confrence was like. Seniors were the only grade that had student-led confrences this semester (Photo by G. Cowden).

Led Into the Future

Gracey Cowden, Staff Writer
October 25, 2019
Snow Way Out

Snow Way Out

Gracey Cowden
November 25, 2018
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