Banned Books Forces Campaign


Summer Boismier holds up a shirt with a QR code that will take those who scan it to the Brooklyn Public Library (photo courtesy AP News).

Summer Boismier, an Oklahoma teacher who has been teaching for nine years, resigned from her position due to an overwhelming amount of hate. She worked as an English teacher and encouraged her students to read as much as possible. She even created a bookshelf in her classroom filled with books the state had tried to ban from schools. The books contained subject material such as racial history, social justice, and gender; all ideas that clash with conservative views.

Due to the fact that hate and pressure from students’ families and the school board caused her to quit, she has moved to New York to work for their library system. She now has the opportunity to reach out to more young people, and be a bigger positive influence in the lives of kids, and introduce them to books outside of their comfort zone. Although Oklahoma’s strict regulation for books caused her to quit the job she loved, she said, “My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.”