Overfishing Affects Livelihood


(photo link in story)

In Senegal, the white grouper is a fish that is used in foods and is intertwined in the culture and history of Senegal; the issue is that they are depleting due to overfishing. Fish and seafood represents 40% of the food intake in citizen’s diets. The lack of seafood has led to the loss of protein and key nutrients. Overfishing has also made the fish more expensive to the consumer, however, organizations are trying to accumulate data which will try to bring back the white grouper.

Overfishing is not just seen in Senegal. It is affecting the Bahamas and the Philippines. If overfishing stays in effect, the countries will not be able to sell the food commercially, and it could disturb the region’s economy. It could also take away from the culture of the country and change how they live.


**Photo Link**