Oklahoma Plans to Use Voucher-style Taxes to Increase Teachers’ Pay


(Photo link in story)

Public school teachers in Oklahoma can expect to get a pay raise of up to $6,000 a year. The amount of taxes a family will need to pay depends on the number of students attending school and the family’s income. According to AP News, $1,000 per home-schooled student and $5,000 per student for a family that earns more than $250,000 annually.

Teachers are not the only ones who will get a raise once this new bill is put into effect. Any certified personnel employed within a school will get a pay raise. For teachers, however, the amount of money could depend on their years of experience; four years of experience will give a teacher a $3,000 increase. Neighboring states are also observing and are making their own decisions on the matter. As of now, Kansas has passed the School Choice Bill.


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