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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


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The student news site of Spring Hill High School


The student news site of Spring Hill High School


Weston Whipkey

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Galleries Manager

Hello, my name is Weston Whipkey and I’m excited to spend my final year of high school in SPUB. Last year it was my first year in SPUB, in which I was a reporter, but this year I’m tasked with making the senior ads and galleries for the SPUB website. I participate in a good lot of activities in SHHS, such as soccer, marching band, NHS, StuCo, etc.. I’m a big fan of movies and film, and I plan on majoring in film in my following years of college. I see SPUB as an opportunity to learn about the publication process if I ever wanted to explore the field of film publications. I’m having a great time in SPUB and I’m excited to see what my final year of SHHS has in store for me!

All content by Weston Whipkey
Kellen Swanson, 10, participates in high jump during the track meet.

Bronco Life: Mar. 22-27

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
April 6, 2023
(photo credit to U.S. Army Europe Images) photo link in story

Pandemic Pushes 10,000 Army Soldiers into Obesity

Weston Whipkey, Seniors Ads, Gallery Manager
April 6, 2023
(photo courtesy of U.S. Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Kaibab National Forest)

Tribal Herd Bison Recovery

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Gallery Manager
March 3, 2023
On Feb. 10, during the pep assembly, James Sheldon, 11, cheers for the juniors while holding a sign.

Bronco Life: Jan 30-Feb 24

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
March 2, 2023
(photo credit NASA Hubble)

12 New Moons Discovered Orbiting Jupiter

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Gallery Manager
February 6, 2023
A map of the ozone layer (photo by OpenStax).

Ozone Layer Future Recovery

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Gallery Manager
January 10, 2023
On Nov. 22, Cooper D'Albini, 11, helps Jayvion Fitzgerald, 11, make a slam dunk in Oshel's team sports class.

Bronco Life: Nov. 15-30

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
December 6, 2022

UK Loosens Internet Speech Restrictions

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Gallery Manager
November 30, 2022
On Oct. 28, the cheerleading team cheers for the audience at a football game.

Bronco Life: Oct 24-29

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Galleries Manager
November 17, 2022
On Oct. 13, Syler Stewart, 9, runs forward at a freshmen football game.

Bronco Life: Oct. 7-24

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
November 4, 2022
Blocked content on students' MacBooks cause this pop-up to show up when a student tries to access websites like these (Photo by W. Whipkey).

Blocked Content on MacBooks

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Gallery Manager
October 20, 2022
On Oct. 5, the freshman girls volleyball team serves the ball at a home game.

Bronco Life: Sept. 28-Oct. 7

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
October 17, 2022
Dionne Williamson grooms her horse before going on her riding lesson (photo courtesy AP News).

U.S. Military hopes to Address Mental Health

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Gallery Manager
October 10, 2022
On Sept. 16, the football team's defensive lines prepare for Eudora's offensive line to make their play.

Bronco Life: Sept. 16-Oct. 3

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
October 7, 2022
On Sept. 23, Daley Browning, 12, Ava Best, 9, Ava Bates, 10, and Abigail Gholston, 11, perform partner stunts at the homecoming pep rally.

Bronco Life: Sept. 12-28

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
October 3, 2022
On Sept. 6, varsity soccer player Tyler Spiegelhalter, 12, stretches and listens to music before a game.

Bronco Life: Aug. 29-Sept. 16

Weston Whipkey, Galleries Manager, Senior Ads Manager
September 23, 2022
Unidentified graves are discovered in Ukraine (photo courtesy AP News).

Ukraine Burial Site Uncovered

Weston Whipkey, Senior Ads, Gallery Manager
September 16, 2022
On August 31, Weston Whipkey, 11, prepares defensively for a corner kick from the opposing team in a junior varsity soccer game (Photo by L. Haney).

Respect: A Lack Thereof

Weston Whipkey, Staff Writer
February 22, 2022
After Inspiration4 orbited Earth for three days, it was later found in the Atlantic Ocean (Photo Courtesy Kennedy Space Center).

Inspiration4 Makes Mission to Space

Weston Whipkey, Staff Writer
September 22, 2021
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