Every year around the world, millions of people make new year’s resolutions, but only nine percent of the people will complete the goals they make at the beginning of the year.
Each year, for me, the first week is always the easiest and majority of people stay strong to their goals to workout more or improve their mental health. But it’s proven that by the end of the first week 20 percent of the people who make resolutions will quit.
According to Inside Out Mastery, of the 80 percent of people who’s resolutions lasted through the first week, 44 percent will give up on their goals by the end of January.
Sticking to resolutions that are made each year is not an easy task for anyone, and making it through the first weeks and months of the year is the hardest part.
By March, it’s proven that these resolutions will become habits, and I think that each day, it will become easier and easier to complete these daily tasks. By summer these tasks will become something one naturally does.
Like most challenges in life, the beginning is the worst part, but for the 37 percent of people who stick to their goals through the rough start, the light at the end of the tunnel is a sign that one’s persistence was worth it.