High School Student to Receive Lung Transplant

Alicia Berkey, 10 will be moving on the 18th. She is being put on the Lung Transplant list as soon as she gets to St. Louis (Photo Submitted by ABerkey).
When Alicia Berkey was born it was amazing as it is when anyone is born; however, she was born four months premature and only weighed one pound. Everything in Alicia’s body was underdeveloped, especially her lungs. As Alicia got older things only became more difficult. Just because Alicia was growing doesn’t mean her organs were. The organs were having trouble growing and functioning correctly. As she’s grown older things have become progressively worse. Even though things are hard Alicia is positive.
“It’s a lot and is overwhelming but I just go through it with a positive attitude and knowing it’s going to work out,” Alicia Berkey, 10, said.
Alicia now has a chance at getting new lungs.
“It’s very terrifying but is also the most exciting thing ever. It’s terrifying because of all the things that could happen and the percentage of the recovery and everything is a lot plus all the medication I have to take,” Berkey said.
Alicia is not on the transplant list but will be when she temporarily moves to St. Louis to be closer to the hospital where she can quickly get to surgery when a new lung comes in. Alicia’s last day of school is Feb. 12th and she will be moving on the 18th. Alicia is a little nervous because she has never moved before but is curious to see how the process is. Alicia’s family, mainly her mom updates about Alicia’s health all the time mostly on Facebook or Instagram. There are a lot of fundraisers for Alicia going on. There is a send off fundraiser for Alicia, Feb. 15th at The Bean. There are also opportunities to bring money and fundraise at the highschool. Even when Alicia moves don’t hesitate to text her and check in with her. Remember that a little can go a long way so please support Alicia. She deserves love and support from everyone! Good luck, Alicia! The whole school is cheering for you!

My name is Grayson Roberts and I am a senior this year. This is my third year in SPUB and I am the Editor In Chief of the Bronco yearbook...