USD 230 Secondary Going Remote


Taken from the USD 230 website, this chart shows the factors that go into deciding modes of learning. Currently, the district is in the yellow zone, making secondary remote and keeping elementary in-person (photo credit T. Dent).

On the afternoon of Nov. 4, it was announced on the USD 230 website that, due to the high number of cases in the surrounding area, USD 230 secondary schools will be moving back to remote learning on Nov. 23, unless case numbers drop to an acceptable level between now and then. Data will be evaluated again on Nov. 11. 

Grades six through 12 will remain remote unless and until case numbers drop. If case numbers worsen, the elementary schools could also go remote. 

Johnson County is recording large increases in positive COVID-19 cases, and Kansas as a whole has the 11th highest rate of infection in the country.

This decision is due to the new gating criteria adopted  Sept. 28 by the Spring Hill Board of Education. This new gating criteria works on a point system, taking into account multiple factors. When considering the form that learning would take, the criteria would look at outbreaks, percentage increase in new cases, hospital beds currently occupied by COVID-19 patients, and various other things.Any questions can be directed to [email protected]. For more information about the gating criteria, please visit the 2020-2021 Reopening Information page on the USD 230 website.